Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Hero token - The Future of Banking in Southeast Asia

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What is a Hero?

Hero is the future of banks that provide loans with guarantees to consumers who have no stock and are not tied up throughout Southeast Asia. With the launch of a crypto unit called Hero Token, HERO intends to expand into a blockchain-based, no-load loan. Supported by venture capitalists such as Softbank, Alibaba and 500 Startups, the organization started operations in the Philippines in 2015 and has since helped thousands of Filipinos gain access to affordable credit.


Hero's mission is to revolutionize the banking industry to make credit more accessible and affordable by unbanked or underbanked, starting in Southeast Asia.


Token Structure

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What is Hero Token->

Token is the right to receive compensation, which is part of the interest earned. It does not represent the share capital in the company and has no intrinsic value. All tokens in aggregate are entitled to receive up to 20% interest income.

Each token will be sold for 1/200 ETH, which means that 1 ETH will give you 200 Heroes. For each token and crypto currency, you will receive a Hero token on the exchange, as if you bought it with Ether or Bitcoin.

How the Hero token will be distributed:

80% of tokens for public
3% Token for initial advisor
2% Token for generosity
15% of the tokens allocated to the founders for long-term interest alignment

Token distribution begins 2-3 days after the end of the token sale. All tokens in aggregate are entitled to receive up to 20% interest income. Token will be given in proportion to the funds provided during the sale.

Hero tokens are strategically designed to add value to the Hero network:

* Charges of gift pads that generate interest income

* Social impacts to help underserved access at an affordable price

* Buy back: The company can use the profit percentage to buy back the Hero tokens from the open market at prevailing market prices, therefore the token value should be Further correlated positively with the success of the project.

* If you plan to buy tokens for 50 ETHs within the first 3 hours, you'll receive 10,000 tokens plus 3,000 more tokens as bonuses (i.e. 30% of your 10,000 billing purchases) and you'll end up with 13,000 tokens.

Up to 20% of the interest income disbursed is transferred to a certain etereum wallet (ETH) every three months. Then, the ETH is redistributed to all token holders in accordance with reasonable contract terms. Companies can use a percentage of the profit to buy tokens from open markets at prevailing market prices, so the token value must be positively correlated.

To participate in the sale, you can use the following currencies: Ethereal, ETH Classic, Bitcoin, Ripple, LiteCoin, Waves.

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