In this Opportunity we will talk about UHIVE
What is UHIVE?
UHIVE is a new, innovative, and easy-to-use social network. It combines the first physical dimension and hybrid chain chain technology. This is a IA-controlled advanced network. and that support virtual reality.
Our vision is to revolutionize and lead the way to the future of social networking, enriching the lives of users with new and entertaining social platform experiences.
It exceeds expectations and shares our success with all users. Our ambition, our commitment to constant innovation and our advanced technology capacity in AI.
Market size
With the growing trend of smartphone production worldwide, a large number of active users access social media via mobile phones.
UHIVE is designed to be a social network for everyone (all demographics without limits)
Users: Anyone with mobile devices and Internet access are potential users (6.4 billion potential users).

Digital advertising spending worldwide, affecting marketing growth, online trading volume

UHIVE's new innovative platform enables users to create and display their space (profile - wall) with digital systems. the physical location address in the infinite world of space available for your work. You can travel, maneuver, and explore these spaces with the movement of your fingers simple and easy on the touch screen of your smartphone. up or down, left and right to scroll adjacent space. Zoom out, and all the space will shrink to give you a sharper image. away from all listed spaces in a particular direction, further smaller, and users will be able to see headlines or interest categories. The civilized world is organized into interest categories like sports, music, news, fashion, etc. Come closer and you'll find communities that share the same interests, which are found in the category space.
The journey is like life: as you approach the space, it has to be enlarged, moved and small objects
relative shrinking until they disappear.
Compensations and Policies
La red social está diseñada con una cosa en mente, ¡devolver a los usuarios!
Compartiremos una gran parte de nuestros ingresos publicitarios con nuestros usuarios, con el fin de:
Crear lealtad
Animar a la gente a permanecer más tiempo en la aplicación
Promocionar el token UHIVE
Aumentar el crecimiento orgánico, como la gente le dirá a todos sus amigos y familiares
Crear una economía sostenible
Todo lo anterior aumentará el valor del token UHIVE con el tiempo.
La aplicación estará basada en el backend de Amazon AWS, para seguridad, durabilidad y rápido rendimiento global;
El sistema utilizará muchas CDNs para una entrega de contenido más rápida y capacidades de streaming.
UI (Interfaz de usuario)
La simplicidad es la clave
La aplicación es muy simple de usar (aún más fácil e inteligente que Facebook Instagram), pero con una nueva versión un una manera innovadora para que la gente explore los Mundos Civilizados y Grises
Los espacios de usuario tienen paredes, al igual que Facebook e Instagram, pero con una forma innovadora de explorar otros espacios, mediantesimplemente explorando los alrededores con un simple deslizamiento.
Inteligencia Artificial
UHIVE se construye utilizando las últimas tecnologías AI (inteligencia artificial), tales como, pero no limitadas a:
Face Detection Technology
As soon as you upload photos to the platform, tech files will start scanning and detecting all faces in the photo, creating custom thumbnails for them. Any new photo matching that person's face will be linked to that face, so every time you touch a picture on your face you will see all the photos of that person.
Object detection technology
Streaming video and video analysis technology
Unsafe content detection for photos, videos and posts
Hybrid block chain mode
We will introduce a new hybrid key mode that allows users to be completely anonymous, paying a small fee using a UHIVE token (all users will have UHIVE tokens on the network).
The tariff will include network rates for storing data in a chain block system, a hybrid chain block. will be unique on this network and completely anonymous.
Mobile Apps (iOS and Android)
The network will be released in two stages, the first is Token UHive, and the second is the network itself with
mobile app. This social network is only accessible via Android and iOS mobile devices, and
the application interface will be very easy to use, fast, efficient, and entertaining (application is being developed at this stage).
The user experience for both applications will be intuitive and simple; it will have walls like Instagram and
Facebook, but with unique innovations, and a high level of human psychological integration with physical dimensions.

UHive token value growth
UHIVE, as a social network, has great potential for organic growth. This app is designed to drive
people to use it and stay on it, which will increase the lifetime value of the user, consequently, increasing the UHIVE Token Value over time.

These coins are known as "Bee Hives" based on the Ethereum ERC20 standard. Token launches will introduce a useful economy where producers of business data, ideas and feelings will be globally rewarded in a transparent and frictionless manner. Supported by strong technology accumulation and strength of Ethereum's open community network, the ecosystem has a strong technical foundation.
Pre-ICO Period:
April 11, 2018 - May 30, 2018
Period of sale to public:
June 10, 2018 - September 15, 2018
Soft Cap:
10.0 million USD
Hard Cap:
54.0 million USD
Token price:
Pre-ICO: $ 0.0015
Pre-ICO (Stage 2): $ 0.002
Crowdsale: $ 0.003
Supply and distribution of tokens:
80 billion token UHIVE
Research and development (47%)
Marketing and public relations (22%)
Operating costs (11%)
Network expansion (9%)
Law (3%)
Reservation (8%)
More info:
web: https://www.uhive.io/
papel blanco: https://ico.uhive.io/wp-content/uploads/UHIVE_Whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/uhivesocial
Author: indah333
BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1724885
Eth: 0xf16486c792628e08D0D32995b0EB9e90fea27692
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