Gese is a unique consumer-friendly community that wants to ensure the quality of purchased goods, advanced local establishments in platforms, and brands using platforms to gain access to their target audience. Gese is a marketing tool that provides reliable statistical data for brands, as well as social applications that enable consumers not only to protect themselves from fake alcohol, but also to gain an appreciation in the platform. Gese is implemented using NFC tags and blockchain technology, enabling to track every bottle from the manufacturer to the consumer while filtering out counterfeit products.
The result of platform analysis, we developed border solutions that absorbed the best quality economy and speed of POS blockrooms, smart contracts for Ethereum platform, and ERC standards. The products developed by us combine the advantages of two blockhouses for task completion:
from the POA architecture, it accepts speed and logic, enabling a proportional number of transactions limited only by the technical characteristics of the equipment, but not by the software platform;
from Ethereum, secure financial transactions and transactions through smart contracts.

The gese platform uses three types of tokens for payment inside and outside of the system:
• Main Token [GSE];
• Second Token [GSEE].
• User token 'Key token function [GSE]:
• Purchase of internal tokens [GSEE];
• Payment for bounty program;
• Trading on external exchanges;
• Promotion of posts;
• Payment for NFC tags;
• Receive bonuses for activity in the system, delivery of used containers.
Ethreum launch token platform
Token type: erc20
Token name: Gese
GSE decimal: 18
Token distribution relative to what is sold:
for sale to investors - 65% (ICO + presale) of their Presale - 5%
bounty - 5%
adviser - 10% - block for 6 months
team - 10% - block for 6 months
reserved - 10%
Ethreum token release platform
Token type: erc20
Token name: Gese
Ticker: GSE
decimal: 18
Token distribution relative to what is sold:
for sale to investors - 65% (ICO + presale) of their Presale - 5%
bounty - 5%
adviser - 10% - block for 6 months
team - 10% - block for 6 months
reserved - 10%
Presale: -
minimum investment amount: 0.1 ETH
hardcap: 3818 ETH
price: 7857 tokens per ETH
duration: 15 days
minimum investment amount: 0.1 ETH
base price: 5500 tokens per ETH
hardcap: 49 090 ETH
Duration of 30 days
start: bonus system
1.07.2018 :
- 5 days bonus + 33% (rounding 1.333333333)
- 5 days + 18% bonus (loading 1.176470588)
- 5 days bonus + 11% (rounding 1.111111111)
- 5 days + 5% bonus (rounding 1.052631579)
- 5) 5 without bonus
There is a referral program - 5% for the purchase reference link
Development of internal exchange, AI, finalization of new platform version, technical support - 30% Joint financing for tag production - 40% Marketing and project geographic expansion - 30%

Website: http://gese.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AZTWSnpttM6c2MmjfHXyAPbftly4-Ke5/view
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/gese.io/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/gese_io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/DG3kklKyBH9oHZDful-wfw
Author: indah333
BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1724885
Eth: 0xf16486c792628e08D0D32995b0EB9e90fea27692
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