ZAN Coin consists of individuals with extensive experience in various areas of expertise related to SDLC and software development. We have ongoing projects that are alive and are currently generating profits. By launching our own coin, we want to take advantage of all the benefits of blockchain, apply it in our daily business and aim to involve people in our business and tie the price of currency to our success. The clearest way to achieve this is to store tokens in their pockets that drive the company forward - and to us this means developers, who we hope will feel secure in the knowledge that their efforts will be rewarded every month, with each sale turning a further advantage for they. Even better, our developers actually join, they agree that using ZAN Coin in this way is a good idea.
What is ZAN Coin?
Zan Coin is a Consulting Firm that employs Free Software Developers to work on certain projects that exist for them and ZAN Coin pays their Freelance Software Developer for the services provided on each project. With various "Freelancers" abroad, it makes ZAN Coin able to make timely affordable payments to their many "Freelancers". So they work together to create solutions to the constraints or problems they face with existing business models, structures and procedures. For the success of the company they must be able to adapt to the ever-changing environment and can create solutions to problems encountered, and consider excessive spending. So creating ZAN Coin is the most appropriate solution to the problems encountered.
Protecting Investor Interests When ZAN Coin begins, we will begin to pay our developers in tokens for our existing projects. They can store tokens as an investment of their own work or liquefy it. From each sale of our products, will continue to be converted to tokens and distributed equally to our ZAN Coins holders. And for the Buy option functionality is a way to keep the circulation in order to sustain its growth and by separating sales to a large number of our customers. The total revenue will then be separated by 50% for the company and 50% for each token holder. This will generate passive income for holders who help improve our business and development.
ZAN Coins Purpose:
The main objective is to grow and develop as a Consultant Firm that is legal and highly successful. They not only want growth for their business, but they want all their Freelance Developers and Freelance investors to be prosperous as well. With this important goal, ZAN's life cycle will get everyone involved successfully. Investors will create more capital to improve project development. Developers will work more efficiently, harder, and faster to create excellent products to increase sales. Thus, creating higher sales volumes and creating more profits for all holders of ZAN Coin.

Currently, the only way to buy ZAN Coin is through their ICO. ICO begins May 15, 2018.
Payment method
When you send your ETH, you will automatically receive a Zan token from the contract.
Zen Token Agreement Address:
Decimal - 18
Type-ERC20 Presale
: 1 ETH = 1500 ZAN, Presale ends May 22, 2018
Round 1: 1 ETH = 1200 ZAN, end time, TBD
Round 2: 1 ETH = 900 ZAN, end time, TBD
5% Referral: Users can view their referral link on the user's profile page.
ZAN Coin Supply: 17.148.385
Investor-allocation 70%: 12,003,870
Coin Affiliates and Bounty-allocation 10%: 1,714,838
Coin Founder-15% allocation: 2,572,257 Reserve-
5% allocation: 857,419

How it all started
Started the first projectWe launched our initial project and our first product was created. We sell the full rights to the company who bought it with the intent to sell it.
Initiation of Our Second Project This time we started working on our own products that we consider to sell ourselves. This is when we are faced with the problem of payment of freelancers.
ZANFAU Registration Ltd We registered our new company with the idea of gathering teams and handling problems. At this point in time, we also started completing our first sale.
Token Design and ICOKami Plans to design tokens and put forward new payment system ideas for our developers. In the process, the idea for dividends is cut as well.
APRIL 2018
To the Community, We have received several reports that one of our admins raised a red flag about our project. We do not want to be associated with ponzi schemes or attempts to take advantage of our investors. It says we want you to know that we have removed this person from our admin list.
MAY 2018
First payment to DEVSPa early May, we plan to make our first payment to our developers at ZAN Coins.
JULY 2018
Sales and DividendsWe have other products in the pipeline and are scheduled to be released in July. Our goal is to turn sales into ZAN coins and start distributing profits accordingly.
Buy-Back InitiationOn the end of the year, we will start buying back tokens to have enough to pay for future projects. Buying back to pay to developers will close the circle and help increase the value of Zan coins.
Meet our Brilliant Thoughts
Our Motivated Team

The Foundation of Our Success
Our Advisory Board

Hopefully adding information that can provide more benefits in investing in the future, Let's succeed this project
For More Information please Click below:
Website: http://www.zancoin.tech
Technical Documentation: https://zancoin.tech/uploads/ZAN_Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zan_coin
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/pg/zancoin
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/H7SptQ-S5CeB8L7tpRh8yg
Author: indah333
BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1724885
Eth: 0xf16486c792628e08D0D32995b0EB9e90fea27692