Sabtu, 07 April 2018

SHIVOM-the best element of Blockchain technology

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Hello everyone, come back with me again. Let's get started, I'll take advantage of a good project and hopefully be useful to all of you! "

A unique and empowering Project, Shivom will integrate DNA donor data to collaborate with them in the areas of biotechnology, the health care industry, and research institutions designated by the government. And an unprecedented era of medical miracle.


Create the largest Shivom genomic data center on the planet. Have their genome data, control the right to access it, and receive a reward if they choose to share it.


Shivom creates a genome ecosystem in blockchain. We will provide open services for healthcare providers for their applications and services, together with analysis of genome data and personalized drugs.
Filter genome data into useful information Solve data silos ease research Facilitate research and develop projects to obtain relevant data.


Speed up the genomic time
Every 7.6 billion people on earth have unique code, heredity, intellectual ability, health, and fitness. However, the ability to uncover disease predisposition has been neglected.

Improve global health

Now is the time for community development for the "genome" challenge in the coming decade. Currently, some key players hold a monopoly over genome data and generate huge profits from selling to third parties, usually without revenue sharing with data donors.

Jumpstart precision based drug genome

We change the dynamics of the global health care market. We utilize the most advanced technologies including blockchain, cloud computing, genome sequencing, artificial intelligence, and large data analytics to bring the medical genome into a new era.

Ensure the next level of data privacy

We are at the forefront of data security. We use state-of-the-art cryptography to add additional security levels to our platform that go beyond blockchain technology for decentralization, protecting every user's data from cybercriminals.

How does it work?

The process is quite easy and takes no time at all. As soon as users sign up with Shivom, they need to get a kit by post to allow companies to upload their DNA strings. Users should collect their saliva samples and send it back to the place of the company where a team of medical specialists will violate the user's DNA code to offer knowledge of the ancestors, or gain personal health insight. This information will be stored in a decentralized enterprise network, and users will be able to share their genomic information for research purposes for free or by generating profit from it.


Genomic sequencing provides many benefits:

Identify the best treatment for patients with certain conditions
Prevention of disease in healthy individuals
Predicted risk
disease Diagnosis of disease
Treatment, including the most effective drug choice and dose
Prognosis of the disease
Identify new drug target


The OmiX Token is a key component that allows purchasing, trading, incentives, and other services. Tokens are fuels from the Shivom ecosystem, as well as parts of system governance. Shivom will distribute 3 billion OmiX tokens

Benefits of obtaining OmiX tokens:

Ability to obtain premium services in the Shivom ecosystem
Ability to acquire genome sequencing devices
Ability to sponsor project sequences
Ability to gain access to health / fitness applications from third-party providers
Ability to access genome database
The ability to pay donors for data / participation in research
The ability for service providers to use the platform

Token Details:

Type: ICO

Category: Health Care

Objective of funding (Soft cap): 12.960.435 USD

Funding objectives (Hard cap): 64,802,173 USD

Tokens for sale: 990,000,000 OMX

Token Price: 1 OMX = 0.00014285714 ETH

Have escrow agent: No

Has a working prototype: No

Whitepaper: Open

Currency: BTC, ETH, USD

Platform: Ethereum

Location: United Kingdom

Token Distribution

Hasil gambar untuk Shivom.token


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