Tachain is a completely new blockchain-based ecosystem
It provides a comprehensive ad targeting system for advertisers while maintaining full security and the effectiveness of full-scale transport applications.
With our play functionality we are in a position to lead to our mission of providing a valid and secure blockchain based service filled with fun and excitement for our users
Tachain is about onergy entertainment and onchain transport
Technology has advanced even further
In the transportation and advertising industry, a substantial technological leap that has been done over the years is proven; However, there is no synergy between them
Vision and mission
Tachain wants to be a solution and connection between travel and travel agents and customers. The platform also tries to give users something valuable including the TCHN token for what they have done and watched. By using this platform, it is expected that users can find everything they need like the best route, the best transportation tools, the exciting ads they need, and more through their mobile devices and apps. In the future, Tachain wants to be a high-tech platform along with Augmented Reality and a special system that provides an opportunity for users to get some tokens after watching targeted ads anywhere and anytime.

Tachain is developed for those involved in the transportation and advertising industry. For transport agents, they can improve their vehicles and systems that can attract more customers to use their services. For ad agencies, they can increase their revenue and value because they can be seen anywhere they want. This reaches a more reputable customer. For customers, the platform is a good choice to handle transportation and advertising more easily. You can book your favorite public transport and pay the fee via smartphone. You can also watch the ads you want to see. Interestingly, everyone got a TCHN token.

Tachain AdNet
Tachain plans to create AdNet so that app users will be able to watch ads while driving in taxis, public or other transport and get TCHN tokens for this. Advertisers will need TCHN tokens to gain access to the platform and run their ads. Advertisers will pay TCHN token app users to watch targeted ads. We create platforms for advertisers and agencies. Each platform element will benefit based on supply conditions and market demand. Tachain app users - taxi or public transit passengers - will also benefit. AdNet is a revolutionary platform, which will allow passengers to watch advertisements, participate in branding, lottery, game marketing events right during their journey and get TCHN tokens to do that.
achain Transportal
Currently Tachain app is a taxi booking app for consumers and companies. This is a full service taxi reservation app for the taxi branch. We set up backend, training, customer service, marketing, screen on
taxis and in-app updates. The only thing a taxi driver needs to do is give a clean and comfortable car with a friendly driver.
This app will have a smart scoring system for taxi drivers and users. All ranking information and statistics will be stored in blockchain and will be available to all people using the network.
Tachain TMARQ
Tachain will create TMARQ tokens market for TCHN tokens.
There are a number of players in the Tachain ecosystem:
● Tourists (mobile app users);
● Driver;
● Transport agent;
● Advertisers;
● Tachain himself.
To give players the opportunity to easily turn over TCHN tokens between them, TMARQ will be created which will allow using mobile apps to buy / sell tokens in seconds, as there will always be substantial demand for TCHN tokens by advertisers. Along with the growth of Tachain's transport network provider, AdNet will grow substantially and will provide long-term growth in the TCHN token value.
Token Information
- Token Name: TACHAIN (TCHN)
- Maximum supply: 2 275 000 000
- Price Token TCHN: 1 TCHN = 0,01 $
- ICO Date: July 2018 - October 2018
- Currency received: ETH, BTC
- Hardcap: $ 10,000,000

For more information about Tachain, please visit:
website: https://www.tachain.io/
WHITE PAPER: https://tachain.io/Whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/TAChain_EN
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/tachain.io
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/tachain6
MEDIUM: https: //medium.com/@tachain
Author: indah333
Eth: 0xf16486c792628e08D0D32995b0EB9e90fea27692
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