Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Buddy ICO

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The BUDDY company is involved in the automation of the software development process. The system he developed is integrated into the most popular software development platform. Such as: Github, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Docker Store, and AWS Marketplace. Today, more than 7,000 professionals from 120 countries use BUDDY every day. As an innovation ideology, BUDDY applies Bladechane technology in its system to improve efficiency and lower costs for end users. Now ICO project is underway, which will be our review.
Issues in the organization of the development process

The introduction of automation is always a complex process. The existing process has become a habit of users, and new habitual education has always been stressful for any organization. Especially for organizations whose activities are the development of new technologies, thin organizational organizations, consisting of vulnerable developers.
Going forward, Buddy in this process acts as a conductor of managerial innovation that reduces this pressure. According to research, an average of about $ 30 million per year can be saved by IT companies in top management, if the application of automation is correct.
It is worth adding that this direction is handled by DevOps separate discipline. This is a set of management practices aimed at improving the effectiveness of developer interactions with each other throughout the task.
Your Solution

Buddy provides all the necessary infrastructure for DevOps. At the same time, the system accumulates the IT enterprise automation experience and offers this solution to its customers, such as certain templates.
Buddy sees his goal in five areas:

system security and transparency;
maximum financial benefit for the customer;
client's economic development;
the development of Buddy's own governmental culture by its users;
desire to be a household word for DevOps.

The Buddy Team
Buddy team members, unlike the others, know the DevOps market. In fact, they formed it. Incidentally, by 2022, this market is projected to grow to 330 billion dollars a year.

Token: BUD
Price: 1 ETH = 5,000 BUD
Bonus: Bounty
MVP / Prototype: Available
Platform: Ethereum
Accept: ETH
Soft cap: 8000 ETH
Hard cap: 60,000 ETH
Country: Poland
Whitelist / KYC: yes
Forbidden area: US

Conclusion. The existing business has always been a good sign for investors in ICO. Especially if the company took a leading position in the market. Now there is a closed presale. This means BUD tokens can be purchased as profitable as possible.

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